First year Biomedical Sciences Program Curriculum listed here

FRRB:3130 Radiation Safety & Radiobiology 2 s.h.
Instruction on safe operation of radiation producing equipment and handling of radioactive materials; origin and/or derivation of certain formulae and techniques useful in radiation protection programs; regulatory agencies, regulations, and regulatory guides pertinent to student's field; emphasis on applied aspects of radiation protection; characteristics and biological effects of ionizing radiations, properties and uses of radioisotopes, medical applications, and biological basis for protection procedures. Requirements: enrollment in radiation sciences program. Same as RSP:3130.

FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology 4 s.h.
A comprehensive study of the molecular and biological effects of ionizing radiations with an emphasis on biomedical therapeutic applications. Topics include mammalian radiobiology and the contribution of metabolism to radiation effects as well as therapeutic applications of radiation in cancer therapy. Offered fall semesters of odd years. Prerequisites: CHEM:2210 and BIOC:3120. College level physics

FRRB:4000 Special Topics: Advanced Undergraduates arr.
Readings and/or laboratory experience. Consent of instructor required.

FRRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical and Radiation Biology 1 s.h.
Seminar presentations of cutting edge science in the field of free radical and radiation biology given by expertsin the field as well as trainees.

FRRB:3110 Medical Physics I  2-3 s.h.
Introduction to radiation used in clinical setting; fundamental physical units, measurements, principles, atomic structure and types of radiation; X-ray generating equipment, X-ray production, and its interaction with matter.
Requirements: Permission from course director, and/or admission to free radical and radiation biology program, and/or acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program, and maxillofacial or radiation oncology resident. RSTH:3110

FRRB:3215 Medical Physics II  2 s.h.
Treatment units used in external radiation therapy; beam calculations, isodose distributions, brachytherapy, quality assurance and quality management, protection and safety.
Requirements:  Permission from course director, and/or admission to free radical and radiation biology program, and/or acceptance to radiation sciences therapy program. RSTH:3215

FRRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine 4 s.h.
Chemistry and biochemistry of free radicals, related oxidants, and antioxidants; antioxidant (redox) enzymes--their structure, biochemical function, regulation, and function in redox biology; targets of oxidants--lipids, proteins, DNA; the redox biology of health (infants to healthy aging) and disease (e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases). Offered spring semester of even years. Prerequisites: CHEM:2210  or BIOC:3120 or equivalent.

FRRB:70010 Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer 3 s.h.
Fundamental aspects of oncology at the cellular and molecular levels; mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression, oncogene action, DNA damage and repair, carcinogenesis by radiation, chemicals, viruses; tumor immunology, anticancer therapies. Offered spring semesters of odd years. Requirements: strong basic science background. Same as PATH:7001.

FRRB:6004 Research: Free Radical and Radiation Biology
Represents intensive laboratory based studies in the field of free radical and radiation biology determined by mutual agreement between faculty members sponsoring the research in consultation with the graduate student.

FRRB:5001 Research: Special Topics
Readings and/or laboratory experience. Consent of instructor required.

FRRB:6006 Topics in Free Radical Biology and Medicine 1 s.h.
Discussion and presentation of new literature reports in the field of free radical biology and medicine in journal club format.

FRRB:6008 Topics in Radiation and Cancer Biology 1 s.h.
Emerging concepts in the biological effects of radiation and cancer biology; current topics in journal club format.

Biomedical Sciences: Free Radical and Radiation Biology
Degree Objective PhD. Start Term: Fall

 s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
UI CUM GPA 3.00  
Graduate College Program GPA 3.00 Graduate College program GPA is comprised of all courses that are approved degree requirements. If a student takes more than the minimum required number of semester hours to complete the degree, but all courses taken are eligible to count toward the degree, those courses will be included in the Graduate College program GPA.
Minimum s.h. graduate coursework7272 s.h. must be graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and department website.
Required Core coursework16FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology and FFRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine
Topics coursework4Taken 4 times; Choose from FFRB:6006 Topics in Free Radical Biology & Medicine OR FFRB:6008 Topics in Radiation & Cancer Biology. [NOTE: Students who are on the T32 Training Grant are required to give a give a seminar once a year and present at our Topics in Cancer biology in both the fall and spring semesters. ]
FFRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 Taken 3 times
FRRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology20On average, FRRB students will take 30 hours of research credit towards their PhD degree. No more than 6 hours of research / semester without prior approval of FRRB Faculty.
Other coursework or Electives29FRRB requires a minimum of 7 elective credits to be determined by the student in consultation with the mentor and approved by the faculty following a written request.
Laboratory Rotations Students complete three 12-week laboratory rotations by the end of the second semester.
Comprehensive Exam Take by Spring of Year 3
Maintain continuous post-comp registration  
Final Exam Dissertation defense
Year 1
1st Semester (Fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology 4 
BMED:5207 Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology3 
BMED:5208 Topics in Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology1 
PCOL:5204 Basic Biostatistics & Experimental Design1 
BMED:7777 Biomedical Science Seminar1 
BMED:7888 Biomedical Science Research5If you are only taking the courses described here, register for the indicated credit hours in Biomedical Science Research (BMED:7888).  If you are taking additional courses, register for enough credit hours to bring your total up to 15 s.h. 
2nd Semester (Spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FFRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine4 
MMED:6260 Methods for Molecular/Translational Medicine1 
PATH:5270 Pathogenesis of Major Human Disease3 
PHAR:6504 Mastering Reproducible Science1 
BMED:7777 Biomedical Science Seminar 1



BMED:7888 Biomedical Science Research5If you are only taking the courses described here, register for the indicated credit hours in Biomedical Science Research (BMED:7888).  If you are taking additional courses, register for enough credit hours to bring your total up to 15 s.h. 
Year 1 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 2
1st Semester (Fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
BMED:7270 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research 10 
FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology 4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology5 
Electives relevant to Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 
2nd Semester (Spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
BMED:7271 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research 20 
FFRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology4 
Electives relevant to Free Radical & Radiation Biology4 
Year 2 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 3
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Topics course1 
FRRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FRRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology5 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Comprehensive Exam
Topics course1 
FRRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology4 
Year 3 (not a specific semester)s.h. 
Year 4
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FRRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Final Exam (Dissertation defense)
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
Year 4 (not a specific semester)s.h. 

Biomedical Sciences: Free Radical and Radiation Biology
Degree Objective  Free Radical & Radiation Biology/MD. Start Term: Fall

 s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Students must complete specific requirements in the University of Iowa Graduate College after program admission. Refer to the Graduate College website and the Manual of Rules and Regulations for more information.
  Combined degrees allow students to complete two degrees with fewer total semester hours than would be required if each degree was completed separately.
PHD Degree Requirements - minimum s.h.72Completed separately the PHD requires 72 s.h.of graduate level coursework.
MD Degree Requirements - minimum s.h. See College of Medicine website for requirements to complete the MD separately.
Combined PHD/MD Degree Requirements - minimum s.h. The PHD portion of the combined degree is structured to accept 31 s.h. of MD credit double-counted toward the PHD degree requirements; thereby reducing the number of credits to complete for just the PHD portion to 41 s.h.  Medical students complete the Graduate Phase of the combined program through the Medical Scientist Training Program.
Combined PHD Requirements - minimum s.h.41For the combined program, PHD degree requirements are satisfied by the completion of 41 s.h. of graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval; more information is included in the General Catalog and department website.  NOTE:  An additional 31 s.h. of graduate coursework from the approved combined curriculum for MD is allowed for double-counting.  Those approved courses are: ACB:8101 Medical Gross Anatomy; MED:8123 Foundations of Medical Science; MED:8124 Mechanisms of Health & Disease I; MED:8133 Mechanisms of Health & Disease II; MED:8134 Mechanisms of Health & Disease III; MED:8223 Mechanisms of Health & Disease VI; MSTP:8514 Grant Writing Basics: A Focus on Predoctoral Applications.
CUM GPA 3.0  
Comprehensive Exam  
Maintain continuous post-comp registration  
Dissertation Prospectus  
Final Oral Exam Dissertation defense
Combined MD Requirements - minimum s.h.  
Combined PHD/MD Degree - TOTAL  
Year 1
1st Semester (Fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
2nd Semester (Spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 1 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Complete First Year Medical Curriculum
Year 2
1st Semester (Fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
2nd Semester (Spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
(Summer)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Transition to Graduate Phase; Select PhD Mentor
Year 2 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Complete Second Year Medical Curriculum
Year 3 ( Year 1 GRADUATE PHASE)
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology 4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FFRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 
Year 3 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 4 (Year 2 GRADUATE PHASE)
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
BMED:7270 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research 10 
FRRB:5000 Radiation Biology 4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
BMED:7271 Scholarly Integrity/Responsible Conduct of Research 20 
FFRB:7000 Redox Biology and Medicine4 
Topics course1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology3 
Year 4 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 5 (Year 3 GRADUATE PHASE)
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
FFRB:6000 Seminar: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology2 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
MSTP:8514 Grant Writing Basics: A Focus on Predoctoral Applications This graduate course from the approved combined curriculum for the Doctor of Medicine degree is allowed for double-counting and is completed during Spring Year 5 (Spring Year 3 Graduate Phase).
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology2 
Year 5 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Comprehensive Exam
Year 6 (Year 4 GRADUATE PHASE)
1st Semester (fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Dissertation Prospectus
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
2nd Semester (spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Final Exam-dissertation defense
FFRB:6004 Research: Free Radical & Radiation Biology1 
Year 6 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Transition from Graduate Phase to Clinical Curriculum
Year 7
1st Semester (Fall)s.h.Potential Footnotes
2nd Semester (Spring)s.h.Potential Footnotes
Year 7 (not a specific semester)s.h.Potential Footnotes
  Final Clinical Training