July 2019- Mike Petronek is a recipient of The University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Trainee Scholar Travel Award in recognition of the research he is conducting in FRRBP. The results of his work were recently published in Radiation Research. The travel grant in the amount of $800 (or $1000 for international travel), contribute towards the expense of visiting educational conferences.
Michael S. Petronek, Brett A. Wagner, Nancy J. Hollenbeck, Joseph M. Caster, Douglas R. Spitz, Joseph J. Cullen, Garry R. Buettner, Bryan G. Allen. 30 April 2019. Assessment of the Stability of Supraphysiological Ascorbate in Human Blood: Appropriate Handling of Samples from Clinical Trials for Measurements of Pharmacological Ascorbate. Radiation Research. 191(6):491-496