Brett Wagner, MA
Buettner lab
Orr, A.R.; Wagner, B.A.; Howard, C.T.; Schwartz, O.A. Assay of plant proteins with bicinchoninic acid for high resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Plant Cell Reports. 1988; 7(7): 598-601.
Burns, C.P.; Wagner, B.A.; North, J.A. Effect of hyperthermia on selective expression of HL-60 heat shock proteins. Med. Onc. Tumor Pharmacother. 1989; 6 (4): 245-253.
Burns; C.P.; Wagner, B.A.: Heightened Susceptibility of Fish Oil Polyunsaturate-Enriched Neoplastic Cells to Ethane Generation During Lipid Peroxidation. J. Lipid Res., 1991: 32(1):79-87.
Thompson-Coffe; C; Findlay; T.A.S; Wagner, B.A.; Orr, A.R. Changes in Protein Complement Accompany Early Organogenesis in the Maize Ear. In. J. Plant Sci. 1992; 153 (1): 31-39.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Burns, C.P.: Membrane Peroxidative Damage Enhancement by the Ether Lipid Class of Antineoplastic Agents. Cancer Res., 1992; 52(21):6045-6051.
Burns, C.P.; Wagner, B.A.: Effects of Exogenous Lipids on Cancer and Cancer Chemotherapy: Implications for Treatment. Drug Safety, 1993; 8(1):57-68.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; and Burns, C.P.: Increased Generation of a Lipid-Derived Free Radical by L1210 Cells Exposed to the Ether Lipid Edelfosine. Cancer Res., 1993; 53:711-713.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Burns, C.P.: Free Radical-Mediated Lipid Peroxidation in Cells: Oxidizability is a Function of Cell Lipid Bis-Allelic Hydrogen Content. Biochemistry, 1994; 33(15):4449-4453.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Burns, C.P.: Vitamin E Slows the Rate of Free Radical-Mediated Lipid Peroxidation in Cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 1996; 334(2):261-267.
Wagner, B.A; Buettner, G.R.; Oberley, L.W.; Burns, C.P.. Sensitivity of K562 and HL-60 Cells to Edelfosine, an Ether Lipid Drug, Correlates with production of Reactive Oxygen Species. Cancer Res., 1998; 58(13):2809-2816.
Kelley, E.E.; Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Burns, C.P. Nitric Oxide Inhibits Iron-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in HL-60 Cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 1999: 370(1); 97-104.
Burns, C.P.; Halabi, S.; Clamone, G.H.; Hars, V.; Wagner, B.A.; Hohl, R.J.; Lester, E.; Kirshner, J.J., Vinciguerra, V.; Paskett, E.. Phase I Clinical Study of Fish Oil Fatty Acid Capsules for Patients with Cancer Cachexia: Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study 9473. Clin. Cancer. Res. 1999; 5(12): 3942-3947.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Oberley, L.W.; Darby, C.J.; Burns, C.P..Myeloperoxidase Is Involved In H202-Induced Apoptosis of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells. J. Biol. Chem. 2000; 275(29):22461-22469.
Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Oberley, L.W.; Darby, C.J.; Burns, C.P..Myeloperoxidase Is Involved In H202-Induced Apoptosis of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells. [Additions and Correction]. J. Biol. Chem. 2001; 276(26):24432.
Wagner, B.A.; Britigan, B.E.; Reszka, K.J.; McCormick, M.L.; Burns, C.P. Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis Of HL-60 Human Leukemia Cells Is Mediated By The Oxidants Hypochlorous Acid And Chloramines. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2002; 401:223-234.
Raghuveer, T.S.; McGuire, E.M.; Martin, S.M.; Wagner, B.A.; Rebouche’, C.J.; Buettner, G.R.; Widness, J.A. Lactoferrin In The Preterm Infants’ Diet Attenuate Iron-Induced Oxidation Products. Pediatric Res. 2002; 52:964-972.
Reszka, K.J.; Britigan, L.H.; Rasmussen, G.T.; Wagner, B.A.; Burns, C.P.; Britigan, B.E. Acetaminophen Stimulates The Peroxidative Metabolism Of Anthracyclines. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2004; 427(1):16-29.
Wagner, B.A.; Reszka, K.J.; McCormick, M.L Britigan, B.E.: Evig, C.B.; Burns, C.P..Role Of Thiocyanate, Bromide And Hypobromous Acid In Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Apoptosis. Free Rad. Res. 2004; 38(2):167-175.
Venkataraman, S.; Wagner, B. A.; Jiang, X.; Wang, H.P.; Schafer, F.Q.; Ritchie, J.M.; Burns, C.P.; Obereley, L.W.; Buettner, G.R.. Overexpression of Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Promotes the Survival of Prostrate Cancer Cells Exposed to Hyperthermia. Free Rad. Res. 2004; 38 (10):1119-1132.
Burns, C.P.; Halabi, S.; Clamone, G.; Kaplan, E.; Hohl, R.J.; Atkins, J.N.; Schwartz, M.A.; Wagner, B.A.; Paskett, E.. Phase II Study of high-Dose Fish Oil Capsules for Patients with Cancer-Related Cachexia: A Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study. Cancer 2004; 101(2): 370-378.
Reszka, K.J.; Wagner, B.A.; Teesch, L.M.; Britigan, B.E.; Spitz, D.R.; Burns, C.P. Inactivation Of Anthracyclines By Cellular Peroxidase. Cancer Res. 2005; 65(14): 6346-6353.
Reszka, K.J.; Wagner, B.A.; Burns, C.P.; Britigan, B.E.. Effects Of Peroxidase Substrates On The Amplex Red/Peroxidase Assay: Antioxidant Properties Of Anthracyclines. Anal.. Biochem. 2005; 342(2): 327-337.
Wagner, B.A.; Evig, C.B.; Reszka, K.J.; Buettner, G.R.; Burns, C.P. Doxorubicin Increases Intracellular Hydrogen Peroxide In PC3 Prostate Cancer Cells. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2005; 440(2): 181-190.
Wagner, B.A.; Teesch, L.M.; Buettner, G.R.; Britigan, B.E.; Burns, C.P.; Reszka, K.J.. Inactivation Of Anthracyclines By Serum Heme Proteins. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2007; 20: 920-926.
Song, Y.; Wagner, B.A.; Lehmler, H-J.; Buettner, G.R. Semiquinone Radicals From Oxygenated Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 2008; 21, 1359-1367.
Song, Y.; Buettner, G.R.; Parkin, S.; Wagner, B.A.; Robertson, L.W.; Lehmler, H-J. Chlorination Increases Tthe Persistence Of Semiquinone Radicals Derived From Polychlorinated Biphenyl Hydroquinones and Quinones. J. Org. Chem. 2008; 73: 8296-8304.
Song, Y.; Witmer, J.R.; Wagner, B.A.; Lehmler, H-J.; Buettner, G.R. Nonenzymatic Displacement Of Chlorine And Formation Of Free Radicals Upon The Reaction Of Glutathione With PCB Quinones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 2009; 106(24): 9725-9730.
Du, J.; Martin, S.M.; Levine, M.; Wagner, B.A.; Buettner, G.R.; Wang, S-h.; Taghiyev, A.F.; Du, C.; Knudson, C.M.; Cullen, J.J. Mechnisms of Ascorbate-Induced Cytotoxicity In Pancreatic Cancer. Clin. Cancer. Res. 2010; 16(2): 509-520.
Song Y, Wagner BA, Witmer JR, Lehmler HJ, Buettner GR. Nonenzymatic displacement of chlorine and formation of free radicals upon the reaction of glutathione with PCB quinones. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010; 106(24):9725-30
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