Seminar 77:207

in Free Radical and Radiation Biology Schedule

Fall 2013

Contact: Tel 319-335-8015

Scheduled Seminars for Fall 2013:

December 12, 2013
Presenter:  Kyle Kloepping
Title: “Triphenylphosphonium Derivative-Based Therapy for Metastatic Melanoma”

August 29, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Garry R. Buettner
Title: “Some Spectroscopy Basics: UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectroscopy -- Avoid being fooled”

September 5, 2013
Presenter: No Seminar

September 12, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Prabhat C. Goswami
Title “Redox regulation of cellular proliferation and radiation response”    

September 19, 2013
Presenter: No FRRB Seminar due to RRS Conference

September 26, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Weizhou Zhang, Pathology
Title “CD177, a novel tumor- and metastasis-suppressor?”  

October 3, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Kaikobad Irani, Internal Medicine,
Title: “Regulation of SIRTUIN1: transcription, redox-sensitive PTMs, and miR”

October 10, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Frederick E. Domann
Title: “Metabolic reprogramming promotes epigenetic instability in human cancer”

October 17, 2013

Because of several excellent seminars that program members may want to attend, the FRRB program will not have a formal seminar on Thursday Oct 17. Rather, this week consider these presentations that may of considerable interest.

1. Tuesday Oct 15,11:00 AM, 2117 MERF

"The importance of being microRNA (from disease markers and gene network regulators to therapeutic agents)"
Takis Benos, PhD
Associate Professor of Computational & Systems Biology
University of Pittsburg

2. Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 12:00 PM in 5-669 BSB

“NO more muscle ischemia in muscular dystrophy: from mdx mice to a multicenter clinical trial”
Ronald G. Victor, M.D.
Burns and Allen Chair in Cardiology Research
Director, Hypertension Center of Excellence
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

3. Wednesday Oct 16, 3:00 PM, Prem Sahai Auditorium in MERF (Rm 1110)
12th Annual Distinguished Mentor Award Celebration

"Brown and Beige Fat: Basic Biology and Novel Therapeutics".
Dr. Bruce Spiegelman

This celebration has become an annual highlight. Each year, the Distinguished Mentor Award has recognized one of our most important mentors, and the Distinguished Mentor Lecturer has given one of the best lectures of the year. This year promises to follow that exciting tradition. This celebration was envisioned and is supported by Daryl and Nancy Granner.

2013 Distinguished Mentor Awardee: Dr. Allyn L. Mark
Dr. Mark is a Professor In the Cardiovascular Medicine Division of Internal Medicine and co-directs the UI Obesity Research and Education Initiative. Dr. Mark has an exceptional record of mentoring trainees,

faculty and staff at all levels. His positive influence on the careers and lives of many people at Iowa is truly remarkable.

2013 Distinguished Mentor's Lecturer: Dr. Bruce Spiegelman
"Brown and Beige Fat: Basic Biology and Novel Therapeutics".
Dr. Spiegelman is a Professor of Cell Biology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Spiegelman and his laboratory discovered key steps in the transcriptional regulation of energy metabolism in mammals. He elucidated processes that control fat cell differentiation, insulin sensitivity and pathways of glucose and lipid metabolism. His work has applications to diabetes, obesity, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

A reception will follow in the MERF Atrium.

4. Thursday Oct 17, 12:40-1:30 pm, Boyd Law Building, Room 225 (Light lunch included)

“De-Extinction: Bringing Back the Wooly Mammoth?”
Professor Hank Greely, JD
Director, Center for Law and the Biosciences Professor of Law and Genetics, Stanford University

Would you want to pet a live wooly mammoth? The DNA sequence of the wooly mammoth has been identified. Scientists indicate it will actually be possible to use this information and genetic engineering to revive extinct animals. However, just because we can doesn’t mean we should.
People in favor of the idea think we should ‘de-extinct’ certain animals that our ancestors drove to extinction, while others think we should leave well enough alone. Professor Greely will discuss the possibilities and potential problems with bringing extinct species back to life.

5. Thursday Oct 17, 4:00-5:00 pm, Prem Sahai Auditorium (1110 MERF)

"Hydrogels as Mimics of the Extracellular Matrix: Applications in Cell Biology and Tissue Regeneration"
Kristi Anseth, PhD 
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute 
Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder
Co-Sponsored by the Department of Internal Medicine

October 31, 2013
Free Radical School Webinar
Time: 12pm
Room location: B180 ML Conference Room
Presenter:  Douglas Thomas, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Title: “Nitric Oxide and Non-Heme Iron: New Concepts in NO Signaling”

November 7, 2013
Presenter: Dr. Andrew Pieper, Psychiatry
Title: “Discovery and Development of a Neuroprotective Compound”

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Please note new date: Wednesday, time: 9:30am, and location:
BSB Aud 1 for PhD thesis seminar
Presenter: Jaimee Eckers
Title: SEPP1 and FoxM1 regulate oxidative stress-mediated radiation response”

November 21, 2013
Presenter:      Annual SFRBM Meeting, San Diego, CA – NO SEMINAR

November 28, 2013

December 5, 2013
Presenter:  Kelley Salem
Title: “Redox regulation of bortezomib-resistance in multiple myeloma”