Free Radical & Radiation Biology Seminar The University of Iowa
Fall 2023; FRRB:6000 Mondays 4:00 pm
Radiation Oncology Conference Room

Scheduled Seminars for Fall 2023:

August 21, 2023
Presenter: Canceled


We will attend the HCCC Research Seminar on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 11 am *Please note different day and time

Presenter: Amanda Pope

Title: “Elucidating mechanisms of resistance to pharmacological ascorbate in pancreatic cancer”


September 4, 2023
Presenter: Labor Day, No Seminar


*Move to Thursday, September 14, 2023, 9am in 2189 MERF
Presenter: Yuna Bayanbold (PhD Thesis Presentation)
Title: “Manipulating labile iron to enhance therapeutic response of NSCLC to chemoradiation therapy”


September 18, 2023
Presenter: Courtney Oare
Title: "Commissioning and Clinical Experience with the Halcyon Linear Accelerator"


September 25, 2023
Presenter: Canceled


October 2, 2023
Presenter: David Moser, PhD– HR Conflict/Harassment
Title: “Responding Effectively to Offensive Behavior”


October 12, 2023
Presenter: Jennifer Teitle, PhD, Assistant Dean, Graduate College
Title: “Working with Mentors”


October 16, 2023
Presenter:  Corinne Griguer
Title: “Mitochondrial adaptations in therapy resistant glioblastoma”


Wednesday, October 25, 2023, Thesis Seminar, at 9 AM in 1117 MERF
Presenter: Maddie Hines
Title: “Lipid Oxidation Links Mitochondria to the Redox Environment and Articular Joint Physiology”


October 30, 2023 SfRBM Practice Talks
Presenter: Canceled


Monday, November 6, 2023
Presenter: SfRBM Practice


Monday, November 13, 2023
Presenter: Canceled


November 20, 2023
Presenter:  No Seminar, Thanksgiving



November 27, 2023
Presenter: Kelly Hubert, MD, PhD

Title: "From Redox Biology to Metabolism: Utilizing Basic Science to Understand Mechanisms of Normal Tissue Radiation Injury”


December 4, 2023
Presenter:  Mike Liman
Title: "Heme Metabolism Restores Chondrocyte Mitochondrial Function and Redox Homeostasis after Injury”


December 11, 2023
Presenter:  Kyle Current
Title: "Sex and NOS1 Dependence of Radiation-Induced Pathological Changes in Mouse Heart”