Spring 2022 Director: Garry Buettner

The University of Iowa, 

11:30 - 12:30, Every Other Monday


Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 963 7513 0138



Presentations for Spring 2022:



January 31, 2022

Presenter:  Dr. Garry Buettner

Paper: Guarino VA, Oldham WM, Loscalzo J, Zhang YY. (2019) Reaction rate of pyruvate and hydrogen peroxide: assessing antioxidant capacity of pyruvate under biological conditions. Sci Rep. 9(1):19568. PMID: 31862934; PMCID: PMC6925109.


February 14, 2022

Presenter:  Yuna Bayanbold

Paper: Yambire KF, Rostosky C, Watanabe T, Pacheu-Grau D, Torres-Odio S, Sanchez-Guerrero A, Senderovich O, Meyron-Holtz EG, Milosevic I, Frahm J, West AP, Raimundo N. Impaired lysosomal acidification triggers iron deficiency and inflammation in vivo. Elife. 2019 Dec 3;8:e51031. PMID: 31793879; PMCID: PMC6917501.

doi: 10.7554/eLife.51031


February 28, 2022

Presenter: Maddie Hines

Paper: Chiang S, Braidy N, Maleki S, Lal S, Richardson DR, Huang ML. Mechanisms of impaired mitochondrial homeostasis and NAD+ metabolism in a model of mitochondrial heart disease exhibiting redox active iron accumulation. Redox Biol. 2021 Oct;46:102038. Epub 2021 Jun 10. PMID: 34416478; PMCID: PMC8379503.

doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2021.102038


March 14, 2022, SPRING BREAK

No journal club 


March 28, 2022, a shorter Journal Club

Presenter: Garry Buettner

Paper:  Fass D, Semenov SN. (2021) Previously unknown type of protein crosslink discovered. Nature. 593(7859):343-344.   PMID: 33953388  


Paper:  Wensien M, von Pappenheim FR, Funk LM, Kloskowski P, Curth U, Diederichsen U, Uranga J, Ye J, Fang P, Pan KT, Urlaub H, Mata RA, Sautner V, Tittmann K. (2021) A lysine-cysteine redox switch with an NOS bridge regulates enzyme function. Nature. 593(7859):460-464.  PMID: 33953398 


April 11, 2022

Presenter: Doug Spitz

Paper: Romani P, Nirchio N, Arboit M, Barbieri V, Tosi A, Michielin F, Shibuya S, Benoist T, Wu D, Hindmarch CCT, Giomo M, Urciuolo A, Giamogante F, Roveri A, Chakravarty P, Montagner M, Calì T, Elvassore N, Archer SL, De Coppi P, Rosato A, Martello G, Dupont S. Mitochondrial fission links ECM mechanotransduction to metabolic redox homeostasis and metastatic chemotherapy resistance. Nat Cell Biol. 2022 Feb;24(2):168-180. Epub 2022 Feb 14. PMID: 35165418.

doi: 10.1038/s41556-022-00843-w


April 25, 2022

Presenter:  Dr. Rick Domann

Paper: Zweier JL, Hemann C, Kundu T, Ewees MG, Khaleel SA, Samouilov A, Ilangovan G, El-Mahdy MA. Cytoglobin has potent superoxide dismutase function. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Dec 28;118(52):e2105053118. PMID: 34930834; PMCID: PMC8719900.

doi: 10.1073/pnas.2105053118